
NCT's member Tehil or whatever was removed from the group because he harassed girls. And some 
          	fuing saesangs are literally saying, "wHy iSn't yOonGi rEmovEd frOm tHe gRoup tOo? hE diD a vEry biG cRimE iN rEal wHile tEhil wAs rEmoved IN a miNutE witHouT aNy cOnfirMatiOn?!" man- a one year old should have a greater brain than you. Tripping and falling cause of electric kickboard isn't literally any crime since he didn't know driving it was out the rules while drunk. Top over that, he didn't harm anyone, so? Dude this media has no target expect yoongi or what? I'm feeling a very nice urge to punch one of the saesangs and also the brainless media 


NCT's member Tehil or whatever was removed from the group because he harassed girls. And some 
          fuing saesangs are literally saying, "wHy iSn't yOonGi rEmovEd frOm tHe gRoup tOo? hE diD a vEry biG cRimE iN rEal wHile tEhil wAs rEmoved IN a miNutE witHouT aNy cOnfirMatiOn?!" man- a one year old should have a greater brain than you. Tripping and falling cause of electric kickboard isn't literally any crime since he didn't know driving it was out the rules while drunk. Top over that, he didn't harm anyone, so? Dude this media has no target expect yoongi or what? I'm feeling a very nice urge to punch one of the saesangs and also the brainless media 


Mikku, where did you go? I miss you


@banana_milkuuu_ please I miss you a lot


@sitinggg sorry, but fortunately I'll not come back 


Author can you please read my book... 
          I'm telling you won't regret reading it....hope you'll enjoy my story 


I have deleted regrets and misunderstood, as I thinking continuing it will be an lose. I want to focus on only an fic for now, so I hope I can keep writing desperation hate!
          (Saying that as an lazy person who never writes )


          If you don't mind can you please spare your time on my book "Crimson Moon | The Vampires Tale "  I'd be so grateful if you support me and vote for my book, Comment would definitely be appreciated ☺️
          Please read it
          HWWWAITING ☺️
          Thanks in advance 



@no_name_found_user I'll be so grateful if you become my regular reader 


@ParkRimin95 Sure, will read it! I like vampire type of stories so yea..