i need to, like, actually continue my books lol
i have, like, wayyyyy too many books planned. i'm going to try to continue Autumn, but i also have, like, a four-seasons plan, so...
prepare yourself.
1) Tony's - gay barista + attractive bartender = e x t r e m e l y g a y r o m c o m
2) Winter - part of Four Seasons plan; boi gets yeeted into a mountain range. he's also bi i think-
3) Spring - i... completely forgot what this one's going to be about. one sec, i'll check... ah, flowering teenage romance. by an asexual-scale person who's never been in a relationship. that'll go well.
4) Baby Blue - rom without the com, ig? idfk-
5) Summer - idk about this one. y'all can pick lol
6) Count Every Star - a father gets stuck in space, and his only motivation is his daughter. if you're in the Literary Lounge, you may have seen my very aesthetic covers for it lol
7) Magenta - a teen struggles with her gender identity
8) A Light in the Darkness - my first screenplay! not gonna spoil this one.
9) Tundra - school project for english; actually wattpad-worthy lol - survival in canada because yeah
10) Plaid - i don't know for this one either. y ' a l l d e c i d e
only like two of these are going to be written probably lol
-personal stuff-
love y'all platonically,