
Another Bake’n Love chapter is here <3
          	Enjoy it and thank you very much !
          	(@Softfeminist your wish is my command ~)


After such a long time, finally another update on Bake‘n Love <3
          Thank you all so much for your patience and have fun, enjoy it ~
          Feel free to give feedback on what you think, I'm always happy to hear from u ~
          If you have any questions just ask ~
          Sending you all lots of love <3


Unfortunately, some rather unpleasant news too…
          The updates for Bake'n love and HiM may take a while, I'm sorry, I have to do a lot of prewriting first, plus my life and work are really taking their toll on me at the moment, but I'll try to bring you something new soon anyway, I'll try my best.
          Thank you for your understanding and patience <3
          I hope you will wait for me ~
          Take care y‘all !


@kkuraxupika thank you so much I appreciate it ♥️


take care of yourself and don’t rush!! come back when you’re ready <3


A few more milestones have been reached thanks to your great support and love, I am so grateful to all of you <3
          HiM has reached 7k, that's crazy, I don't even know what to say T-T
          Also a big hello to all the new ones on here ~
          I am so happy that you came by ~
          Whether new or old, whether only recently or from the beginning, thank you to everyone who is supporting and accompanying me on this path, on this exciting journey <3