This is a message for anyone okay pls know there is someone that cares about you
Hell that could be you crush or your parents or your friends or someone that you don't know yet
Hello everyone i have move accounts and have deactivated this account for many reasons 1 of those being that i stopped using this account because i felt like there was too much of the past on here (there will always be)
2) i needed to start anew with a new account (@vampiresncolours if you want to follow)
hope everyone is doing okay
This is a message for anyone okay pls know there is someone that cares about you
Hell that could be you crush or your parents or your friends or someone that you don't know yet
I kinda want to change my name
It's narrowed down to Quinn, Gray, and Oliver yes I know Oliver is gendered but I like it
I'm thinking about Oliver
What Do You Think