
Wattpad online friends,
          Short story no 1, pt 2 i.e. last
          Not a promotion 
          I wish I was the one holding her right now
          Wish you were here, in my arms, wish I would stroke your hair just like I use too, wish we could still go on long walks, widh I could still see you smile.
          Those stars so bright in your eyes.
          Those flowers in your smile.
          That angelic voice, wish I could here...
          Well things were coming back to normal, I had my lil one in my lap, watching cartoons together,  her curiosity always on peak, her little questiones about her mother, her wear abouts and all, but at the end after all the answers I could still see the disappointment in those hazel eyes, that she took from her mother 
          Here we go again
          "Yes buttercup?" I answered hesitant 
          "So, mommy was ill?"
          "Yes she was princess?"
          "I hate doctors." 
          "Why so princess"?
          "Why do even they call themselves doctors?"
          "What happend why so raged twinkle toes?"
          "They couldn't even cure my mommy, and call themselves doctors"
          I fell numb, what to do, what to ans, what to hide, how to make her ease, how to make her smile. . . . 
          "Cuz God needed her back, that's why she left my lil one"
          "Is she happy up there?"
          "She surely is.We shall go to bed, right?"
          "BED TIME STORY?"
          "Why not"
          "YESSSS, I LOVE U DADDDYYY"!!!
          "I love you too my baby"
          “Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts"
          Indeed the end indeed disappointing,  sorry about that......