Hey guys! I am going to work on Chapter 10 for Revenge on Both Sides tonight I probably won't have it done until late tomorrow…I want to make it a really long and great chapter. This book still has quite a while to go yet, I am only about half way through, so be expecting more! I have an idea of where this is heading and how the next book will turn out. I was trying to map out what I was going to do…and my friend, happened to be near by and he gave me an amazing idea of what is to come in the next book. You'll just have to read to find out!
If you are currently not reading Revenge on Both Sides this bellow you must read;
I have just got a laptop for Christmas so I can stop writing on my phone, which means less typos never the less I still have many in my other books so hear is my plan…
1. Finish Revenge on Both Sides
2.Edit A Love Within a Fellowship
3.Start-Finish last book in The Hobbit: Unexpected Love Trilogy
4. Edit Mission Impossible
5. Edit The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and Unexpected Love
6. Edit The Hobbit: Revenge on Both Sides
7.Edit last book in The Hobbit: Unexpected Love Trilogy
8.Finish Falling…I Think
9.Start-Finish That Day I Turned Into an Elf
10. IDK ;)
Pretty long list to check off but I think I can do it! Not sure how long it is going to take!!