message me or something crazy. lol.
i'm hyper
read my books lady!
lol. i dont know
See you tomorrow?
Aye when I come to ur house tomorrow, we need to write another book together! Hehe and we r still going to write the other one together too. Anyways bye, love.
@Directionerfromabove Hey are you still working on the chapters... I need your opinion on some things... We need to make this book happen and get it out there to as many people as possible so the world can be aware of what happens around us. It needs to stop and i hope this helps. please people dont read it for likes, interest or publicitiy read it to hlep make a difference in our world and end abuse of all kinds! Help people who are being abuse and are to afraid to go to anyone about it. please help those people in terrible situations! And if you are one of those people contact me and i will get you the help that you deserve!