Okay I know it’s been a while since I wrote anything. I’ve just been really busy lately with school and the sudden change in the amount of homework we get. And I also need some me-time. I don’t wanna be one of those people who completely devote themselves to one thing, whether they like it or not. I wanna do other stuff too.
I’ve been trying to write lately but I just haven’t had the inspiration. I’m still trying though. I write a little, not pushing myself to do more. But right now, I’m about to continue writing this one fic that I started a while ago. Hopefully, my inspiration comes back and I finish it early. In the meantime, I hope you won’t unfollow me or anything or just stop reading my works cause you think that I’ll never post. I will post. I’m trying.
So I might be gone for some more time. Maybe long (though I’ll try not to be), maybe short. But