
Hello everyone, this post is for my book "You're my painkiller" a chapter will be published TONIGHT idk what time yet but it will be out tonight you have my word, I will not sleep till it's out.
          	Also, I have major writers block, so if anyone has any ideas for any of the characters in that book, feel free to send me a message or comment them under this post. 
          	I love you all, and I'm so sorry for the long wait. But thank you for being patient with me. 


@soften_hearts  was wondering if you could do a Amity x Male reader book, I've been trying to find one but it's only been x fem readers and it doesn't sit right considering I'm a trans guy. Just a request.


idk here’s a few (might be cringe/weird)
          	  1. giving the kids (10 y/o) ‘the talk’ (i don’t think we have-)
          	  2. the kids (the 10 year olds) tease bri
          	  3. the twins say their first word (in future)/learn to crawl, walk, etc.
          	  4. amity feels like she’s not that good enough? (these are just off my head lol)


@soften_hearts  don't worry, it's new year have some fun first, even through I will be excited to read the next chapter it's better knowing you are enjoying your holiday 


Hello everyone, this post is for my book "You're my painkiller" a chapter will be published TONIGHT idk what time yet but it will be out tonight you have my word, I will not sleep till it's out.
          Also, I have major writers block, so if anyone has any ideas for any of the characters in that book, feel free to send me a message or comment them under this post. 
          I love you all, and I'm so sorry for the long wait. But thank you for being patient with me. 


@soften_hearts  was wondering if you could do a Amity x Male reader book, I've been trying to find one but it's only been x fem readers and it doesn't sit right considering I'm a trans guy. Just a request.


idk here’s a few (might be cringe/weird)
            1. giving the kids (10 y/o) ‘the talk’ (i don’t think we have-)
            2. the kids (the 10 year olds) tease bri
            3. the twins say their first word (in future)/learn to crawl, walk, etc.
            4. amity feels like she’s not that good enough? (these are just off my head lol)


@soften_hearts  don't worry, it's new year have some fun first, even through I will be excited to read the next chapter it's better knowing you are enjoying your holiday 


Can you send link of your playlist pls



I'm back from the mental hospital lol


I’m glad your doing alright :)


@Star_DustJ I'm sorry for not responding. I've been very busy lately 


          this is for the people who read Your My Pain Killer 
           I wish I didn't have to post this and please don't be mad at me for this. But the hate against or love for Hooty in my comments in a chapter has to stop and I know it's died down but it's because other people have been reporting the comments. At first, I was okay with the light-hearted fighting but it got out of control. If your going to comment please make sure that it's not offensive or rude, or I'll have to take the book down and I know everyone doesn't want me to do that. 


this message may be offensive
Yall, so something straight out of one of my books is happening to me, I'm not fucking with you guys I promise, here's the rundown.
          So I was best friends with this guy in elementary school like he was my only friend other than my best friend Anna. For this story, I'm going to call the guy K for privacy reasons. So me and K were glued to the hip to each other, wherever he went I went, wherever I went he went, and I had the biggest crush on him too. But then he moved away and we, obviously were friends anymore after that because we didn't have phones. 
          Now fast forward to junior year of high school (aka this year of high school for me), me and K got put into the same school and have a class with each other, the class is an everyday class so I get to see him every day. But before we realized who we were to each other I was trying to put the puzzle pieces together "Why does this kid remind me of someone?" Then it finally hit me and whenever it did I asked him "Hey K, this is a really weird question but it'll make sense in a minute, but did you go to Cedar Ridge Elementary?" And he looked at me slightly confused and nodded then asked me why, which I answered him with a question. 
          "We're you best friends with a girl who always had her hair in a ponytail and had glasses on? She was kinda on the bigger size." He nodded again but said "I don't remember much about her though." I just smiled and said "don't 5 I don't remember much of you either but I do remember us being best friends and always being together." His jaw dropped and of course, he asked me about my name change and I told him. 
          We've been talking to each other like every day since that day now. And I'm starting to fall for him again. 


@soften_hearts well I'm not am expert on these kinda stuff but I do understand that you don't want to lose K. So what i did to know if a friend that i liked would like me back is ask them scenario questions like if one of his friends liked him and such. I don't know if it will help you, but i just wanted to help. And i really hope that things work out for you 