
Hello lovelies! My dear friend has put together a 'scribers and vibers' type of book club where we can gather and talk about books, enter in contests, get advice for our writing, and so much more. If you are interested and would like to become apart of this amazing community or just try it out please contact @StarryskiesT and check out 'scribers and vibers' on her page! ♡♡♡♡


Hello lovelies! My dear friend has put together a 'scribers and vibers' type of book club where we can gather and talk about books, enter in contests, get advice for our writing, and so much more. If you are interested and would like to become apart of this amazing community or just try it out please contact @StarryskiesT and check out 'scribers and vibers' on her page! ♡♡♡♡


I didn't realize I had a huge #1 pet peeve till now. I hate False promises. What's yours? 


@TaurielRogers I got you on the fake besty. Mine was for 25 years though. She never invited me to go to parties with her but invited other people. I took care of her, her kids, and her house when she was sick, but when I got sick and became disabled from chronic pain 24/7, she couldn't handle it. I was the one hurting, but she couldn't handle it. I stood up for her through her first very abusive marriage and even threatened to take him down for her. I did that for her many times when she felt threatened. When I needed her most, she couldn't handle it. It was either the canes or the wheelchair that really got to her. She liked being the center of attention, but when I was around the attention went to me...not that they were attracted to me like they were her, she just couldn't handle losing any attention especially to me. Other girlfriends she could handle, but not me. It's been many years since I last saw her or talked to her. At that time she started having seizures and wanted nothing to do with me even though I still wanted to be there for her. She blocked me on everything. I've made a fake account just so I can make sure she's okay. I don't know why I care so much since she never cared about me. It sucks to be an empath sometimes. What she doesn't know is that I could've helped her with her health problems. I just can't help my own health problems. LOL Anyway, I feel your pain about fake friends. My problem is that I never had many friends to begin with and haven't had any since her. I don't trust people. I was bullied, and abused, and abandoned my whole life. It is what it is. They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If that's true then Superman has nothing on me. LOL


@softfreckledkisses I hate false promises, liars, cheaters, and people who hurt others on purpose.


Mine is people who are attention hogs that think they’re hilarious when reality is they’re not funny. I also really hate fake friends who decide to cut you outta their life for no reason after being your childhood bestie for 11 years 
            Theme Song: Bad Blood by Taylor Swift @TheLBSeries




@holymacarooni THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVELY!!! IT WAS THE BEST haha :) ❤


@TheLBSeries omg if I'm correct its today. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY HUN:)♡ best wishes.