
my problem is … this book needs to sound like a GTA game made into a novel or i’m not putting it out. i need you to be able to picture everything - see MY vision … 


thinking about making a new Wattpad account and starting fresh … posting a few books on there, build a new support group —- it’s about time i rebrand. 


@morelyfee | let me know your new user !! but no frl. i’ve had the thought of starting a new account with better graphics & all my new WIPs but idkkkk twin 


Had to come back to this because I understand now. Most of the people that follow me are not even active, and it’s seems like new followers/supporters are hard to find.


Been reading more Traditionally/Self-Pub books and I am loving it over there, lol. Unfortunately for me, reading more has made me realize that my current WIP needs to be written in First Person (multiple POVs) in order for it to hit like it needs to. Wish I had this realization 10K words ago - smdh.


@morelyfee | first person gives more room for you to expand on the character’s emotions. i feel like i wrote better in first person - my writing is more powerful, poetic , it flows better . plus , with my  “niche” of books i like to read in the publishing world - most books are in first person. i read more third person book on wattpad but im slowly leaning towards first person as it fits my voice as a writer better! try out the different POVs and see fits you , your book, and your characters❤️


Ugh, let me know something. Is first person a better way of describing things and getting deeper into the emotions of the characters? Because I’ve always been a third person writer, I think it suits my style of writing/storytelling, but I would love to explore and expand my craft.