
I'm curious to know, are any of my friends still on here? o_O


@softybabyy I haven't been here in so long


Come back :(




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Not surprising how you got some incest books in your reading lists. Now it makes so much sense why you made lots of paragraphs defending it If you do have siblings especially brothers I bet you wish you could f them by how you act. Imagine a whole grown ass man putting his buissness out here for everyone to see and doing shit like this???? Your ass is definitely gonna exposed


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@denebnixmir lmaoo first off for 1, you are an irrelevant non-factor ass bitch with no kind of relevance in my life. You are a disgusting creep and/or fan to stalk my page and to keep coming at me about what i said to you days/weeks ago.  If you're mad, stay mad baby girl because your opinions and your lil "research" don't hold no weight in my heart. I'll let you have your five minutes of fame but on my set, you better be glad you're a keyboard warrior and not someone i know out here. Ever hear of talk shit, get hit? Yes you are right, i am GROWN and have no problems stooping to your level and gathering your cockroach ass together. When you come with me baby you come correct. I don't give a fuck about nun you talking bout but hit my inbox if you got a meet up location to discuss this further. Swerve bitch, before you get hit  


I'm curious to know, are any of my friends still on here? o_O


@softybabyy I haven't been here in so long


Hii, dear will
          I'm not here to spread some kind of awareness, I'm just here to tell you that you're amazing and I love you. I know we're complete strangers now but you deserve the love as well because you too are going through a rough time outside of social media, you too are struggling with the weight on your shoulders, a weight nobody knows about. I want you to know, you're strong. We may think we are weak and so on but we are weak, we're born weak but that's our strength itself. Knowledge is our power as we're born from nothing yet, from that nothing, we can become everything. You're strong, and beautiful inside and out. I want to make you smile the moment you see this and hope it will brighten up your day ❤. I'm no one important, I'm just a broken boy trying to spread love. I hope you have a great day and night, remember, you are love by me even if we're just strangers. I love you ❤
          Winter ❤


@Kcngs- we've come a long way ❣


@Kcngs- this just made me cry all over again 


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the first to apologize is the bravest n the first to forgive is the strongest. ur both brave n strong kitten, dnt allow urself to be weighted down by other ppl. if they're so shitty then fuck em, fuck em hard in the ass with a screwdriver bc ur worth more than wat they're saying to yu. dnt become bitter from assholes tht dnt appreciate yu. but sum times yu must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain bc the GREATEST lessons in life are learnt thru PAIN. ur life is more often then most split between things yu need to learn n things yu know tht are tested. the ppl in ur life can either be a blessing or a lesson n yu have gotta realize wat they are to yu b4 yu give urself to em. love yu n only yu to the fullest, dnt divide tht love for anyone. love other ppl with respect n morals bc sum wnt love ya back. but with the few tht do, dnt harbor ur feelings when they care so much for yu. with em, be urself n show both ur faults n flaws. no one will love yu more than the lasting friends n family tht build yu up w/o so much as a thought of demolishing ur self worth. a friend is sum one tht can see thru ur pain when ur fooling everyone else n even though yu cnt stop from hurting the ppl tht love yu, they'll still be there to comfort yu when ur crying. i wanna be tht person for yu. ily n i wanna show yu tht, just like the other friends yu have tht care dearly abt yu. dnt stop urself from hurting but learn why ur hurting so yu dnt have to feel this way again. but there'll still be ppl tht wanna help teach yu this n love yu so much. dnt shut urself down when we're trying so hard to give ya a boost that'll foreva leave a smile. let a few of us back into ur heart but only the ones tht yk wnt break it.


@Taisho14 re-reading these messages is making me cry...I miss you so much. 


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let's get this straight. if yu start talking to me EVERDAY n NIGHT m obviously gonna get attached to yu, even if i never plan to so b4 yu press send, make sure tht yu wnt sum day disappear. ik tht tht happens to yu a lot n ik its tragic but i dnt plan to treat yu like other ppl. i have no interest in hurting yu or making yu feel like shit. when ur down n low i've noticed how angry n vengeful yu are, it isn't a gud things. i miss seeing ppl who loved the thought of breathing, the mere action brought a smile to their face. wat has happened to those times n those ppl ?? when ppl loved life n cherished the next day as much as the previous ?? when sum one is as precious as yu, they shud never experience such heart break n betrayal. the only things i can say to yu is tht m sorry. saying sorry shows tht i've realized my mistake n i've accepted my wrong doings n m telling yu an honest apology, please forgive but dnt forget. i've been watching yu, working day n night, slaving so hard yu barely have time to catch ur breath. ppl do tht for 3 reasons. either they're crazy, or stupid, or tryna forget. n with yu, ik tht ur tryna forget, i just dnt know wat. so tell me. tell me how many ppl have hurt yu ?? how many ppl have earned ur trust just to throw it away n laugh abt it ?? how badly hurt is ur heart kitten ?? dnt drink it in. dnt throw it up. dnt hold it in. wats done is done n i need yu as much as yu need yu, to understand tht yu can forgive. relieve the pressure on ur chest n the weight they force onto yu.


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hey kitten — ik ur asleep right now  but I just wanted to send yu a lil text, like a guardian angel  or sum shit , to tell yu tht m thinking abt yu  and tht I love yu so much. when yu wake up in the morning and see this txt , I hope it brings a smile to ur face  tht yu take with yu for the rest of the day ❤.
          I want yu to know tht m blessed  to have a gr8 friend like. ur friendship is 2 invaluable to place a price tag  on n it's more precious than the finest gold n silver in the entire universe .


I was having sex with this guy, and right as his was abt to cum, my cat had jumped on the bed. While he was groaning, instead, came out, "ARGHH YOUR CAT’S TAIL IS IN MY ASS"... EXACTLY at the same time as he was cumming.” Memorable. LMFAO


May ur life get flooded with happiness, may ur every morning become the most beautiful morning, I wish the smile always stick to ur face, may this birthday bring a lot of excitement in ur life.
          May you get all the deserving things in this world, may you always treated with happiness, may ur life always get filled with the sunshine, may you never feel loneliness. 
          If anyone wants to see natural beauty, he or she wants to watch you. You have a lovely head to sweet little toes. You are really a wonderful boy full of positivity and energy.
          Before the party gets started, let me tell you one thing, that you are one of the most precious and special ppl in the world. Always wear your beautiful smile on your face and have a lovely day.
          Happy Birthday lil one!


@softybabyy -laughs n pats ur back- ive missed yu too


@Taisho14 *screams and jumps on you* OMGOMGOMG i missed you so muchhhh


@softybabyy  surprise surprise m back n better than eva !! i do sum times get back on n to my amazement, uve left me a message. how're yu ?? watcha been up to ??