
hey guys! so sorry i didn't get to update last month, but this month I'm slowly getting back on track. school and work has been SO busy lately, i just haven't had the time nor motivation to write. however, this month i did end up finishing two of my usual three fics:
          	flooding waters (tokka/hunger games au) and the butterfly effect (tokka arranged marriage au).
          	again, so sorry if anyone is a complicated fan, but this month it just didn't happen. i will try to do better next month.
          	the stories are also updated on ao3; my username is the same. thanks so much and let me know what you think!


hey guys! so sorry i didn't get to update last month, but this month I'm slowly getting back on track. school and work has been SO busy lately, i just haven't had the time nor motivation to write. however, this month i did end up finishing two of my usual three fics:
          flooding waters (tokka/hunger games au) and the butterfly effect (tokka arranged marriage au).
          again, so sorry if anyone is a complicated fan, but this month it just didn't happen. i will try to do better next month.
          the stories are also updated on ao3; my username is the same. thanks so much and let me know what you think!


I have only just begun reading your work and I'm already a HUGE fan! Please could you tell me why you ship Toph and Sokka? I would like to see your viewpoint (they are one of my favorite ATLA ships)


thanks so much! i appreciate your kind words <3 and i’m ngl i have NO IDEA why i ship toph and sokka. pretty much what happened is i was watching the show and saw them and was like “yep. those two. they should kiss.” nothing special about it LMAO


hey hey HEY it is that time of the month again, my loves. i'm so sorry this update was so late, but schoolwork was kicking my ass all four weeks of august and it was hard to find time to write. thankfully, i got all three of my fics cranked out before 11:59, for no one but myself to read, probably, but that's okay. 
          as per usual, the three fics updated today are complicated (pearlapis high school au from steven universe), the butterfly effect (tokka arranged marriage au from atla), and flooding waters (2nd book in hunger games/tokka crossover). these are also up on wattpad, my username is sokka-beifong!
          hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!


hey hey hey! 'tis that time of the month again! that glorious day that only me and a couple other people look forward to. as usual, i've updated my three main fics: complicated (pearlapis high school au from steven universe), the butterfly effect (tokka arranged marriage au from avatar the last airbender), and flooding waters (tokka/hunger games au).
          hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!!


it’s harry and hermione kissing from harry potter


            I'm still trying to figure out what ur pfp is


i don't even know if anyone reads anything on here anymore lol but i wanted to just let anyone who does know that while i haven't been announcing my monthyl updates on here (or sometimes even updating on here) everything is up to date now for the big three (flooding waters, a tokka/hunger games au; complicated, a pearlapis high school au; and the butterfly effect, a tokka arranged marriage au). everything on here is the same as on ao3, and i will tryt o keep it this way lmao we'll see how long it lasts. that's all!


this message may be offensive
hello hello!! have NOT been as active on updating on here as i probably should be, but this is now my fifth (holy shit i didn't think i'd get this far) fanfic update! ngl pretty proud of myself for keeping it up this long even if there have been some hiccups along the way. this month i've updated flooding waters (tokka/hunger games au, continuation of the girl with the bread), complicated (pearlapis high school au with trigger warnings) and the butterfly effect (tokka arranged marriage au). 
          they're all on here, but they're also up on ao3! my username is the same. hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!


FIRST BIG FIC UPDATE IS OUT! I published The Tale of Koda (Six Down), Sokka (The Butterfly Effect), Lapis (Complicated), and The Air Temples (TGWTB) today on Wattpad and ao3!! So happy I actually did this and happy I made myself do it. Thanks for understanding you guys are seriiusly the best. Let me know what you think!


Hello again to all those who have somewhat excused my lazy ass when ti comes to writing. I apologize sincerely for my inactivity over the last few months, and I can't promise it will get better, but I'm willing to try.
          As of today (June 18) I've come to a decision to update all of my fics (that need updating/have multiple chapters) once a month. This means that I'll be working on all of them (i.e. Six Down, The Butterfly Effect, Complicated) all at once and finishing their newest chapters at different rates. I'll pick a date that month, which will vary but will probably be toward the end of each month, and each fic will be updated one chapter (with the exception of The Butterfly Effect, which will get two per month). 
          I hope this is an agreement we can come to terms with and be content with and I again apologize for being so inconsistent with my writings. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me a message or an ask! Thank you and I look forward to my first update (which, if I'm being honest, may or may not be at the end of June).


@miraculousxavatarfan I do have one one shot I’m writing at the moment but that book is different because it’s all different stories, so I may or may not have one to release at the end of the month, depending on if I have any ideas for a short story


Are you still updating your tokka one shots book? If so, do you have a updating schedule for it too?


so as I'm sure most of you who care know, my hunger games/tokka fanfiction is almost over and I'm debating going on to catching fire or just stopping when the story is over. if you have an opinion on this, please let me know by filling out this google form I've made! it would be super helpful to me because I'm extremely indecisive and can't figure these things out for myself. do know that if I did continue on I'd probably focus on that for a while, neglecting my other fics (not like I haven't been doing that anyways sorryyyy) but yeah! thanks so much for this you guys, you're all great.