@hannieslcve HI SHAY! I miss you lots too ♡♡ I hope you're doing well bb, and that you're taking amazing care of yourself as you deserve it! ♡

free huggies for u (っ´▽`)っ i’m not sure if you’re active here still but hUGGIES

hey tsumi!! lol it’s not new year’s for either of us now, but either just consider it a late new year’s message or just a blatant excuse to thank you and throw in some compliments for you (which honestly isn’t that hard to do anytime or the year) honestly i’m grateful to no end for all of the absolute joy you’ve brought me this year, which would’ve obviously so much worse without you. i look up to you so much honestly, you kind of seem like an older sister, even. i can’t imagine where i would be in this terrible year without you, and i want to thank you just so so much for that. i know that i’ve said it before, so sorry if this is a little repetitive, but honestly, even if it is, i don’t really care too much, you could maybe use a reminder of how much you matter to people sometimes. but i just can’t imagine losing you. i’m so thankful for every conversation we have, whether it’s over something stupid or derivatives (which you should still teach me some time when you’re less busy lol). ahhh the tl;dr is that i love you so so much and you deserve the whole world for everything you do! hope we can become even better friends this year and that your 2021 is as absolutely amazing as you! -libby <3

@jjpschild AWW LIBBY IM GOING TO SOB BB I DIDN'T EXPECT SUCH A NICE MESSAGE Honestly Libby you've literally have your own little place in my heart. Your positivity and your enthusiasm is so infectious, and you always manage to make any conversation brighter! You simply radiate kindness, and its made 2020 all the more bearable. honestly darling, if there's anything I hope to come out if 2021, its that we grow closer and you learn a bit of derivatives. I mean it when I say you already feel like family, and while I'm not the most active on here, I'll always do my best to respond whenever you need me! Also make sure you take it easy on yourself: you are eons smarter than you give yourself credit for, and I hope you remember that lovely. I am so so proud of all your accomplishments, and I know you'll only do more in the upcoming year! I hope your 2021 is stellar, and I hope that everything you wish for will come true!! ♡♡♡

love you tsum tsum tsumi!! <33

woah you're kinda maybe really heccin cute :hand-emoji-here:

┊┊┊┊╭━━╮╭━━╮┊╭━┓ ┈╭━━┫▔╲┣╯━━┻╮┃╭┛♫ ╭┫┈┈┃┈┈▏┊▋┊▋┃┃┃ ┃┃┈┈┃┈╱╭╰╯╰╯╰┫┣━╮ ╯┃┈┈╰━━╯╰━━━┳┫┣╮┃ ┈┃╭┳╭━┫╭┳╭━━╯┃┃┃┃ ┈┃┃┃┃┈┃┃┃┃┈╭╮┃╰╯┃ ┈┗┛┗┛┈┗┛┗┛╭╮┈╰━━╯ hey have great day uwu i am here always ♡ take care and stay safe zarr says she loves you uwu

@milkyhoshi Ritu bb! Thank you so much for this ;^; Honestly this made me really happy uwu. Thank you for always being such a source of happiness - your always finding ways to make me smile, and Im incredibly grateful for everything you continue to do for me. I love you darling, I hope today is a really good day uwu ♡♡


his tsumi !! i just wanted to give you an appreciation post so here it is :D though we haven’t been friends for long, it feels like i’ve been close friends with you forever. i’m honestly so happy i had made the utopia server otherwise i never would have gotten to know your amazing self ! you are so sweet it’s almost sickening (in a good way ofc akjsjsjs) i don’t know how youre able to be one the most wholesome person ever !! though we dont talk very often, during the times we do talk, it always makes my day because talking with you is such a joy. your heart is made of pure gold and bring joy to everyone around you. i’m sorry this isn’t as long as it could be but maybe over the time we talk more, i’ll make this longer and give you the love and compliments you deserve !! i love you so so so much and i hope you never forget that <3

@gyusuke hi so i'm going to proceed to cry now because this is the nicest message i've received in a long time. no matter how long this was, i appreciate how genuine this is, and i'm so so grateful! while i haven't known you for long, i appreciate how sweet and kind you are, and how you're always showering everyone with love despite how busy you are. your books are amazing (five holds a special place in my heart), and i'm so grateful they lead me to the wonderful human that's you. i only hope we can grow closer as friends! love you so much leanne, never forget that i'm here if you need me. ♡♡