Posts won't be coming for a while because I have a lot of work to get done as well as end-of-year exam prep. Please be patient with me, I'm just so busy ;-;
Let's not talk about the fact that I haven't written anything on Wattpad in a hot minute. I've been so busy with school work and my hiatus that posting on Wattpad hasn't been a top priority at the moment. My apologies to all the people who were hoping I was going to update more of the Heeseung fanfic but I rarely have time for myself these days. I am coming back from my hiatus on Instagram soon though! I will be posting on there soon once again and I'm excited!! Look forward to it and I hope that when I have more time I will be able to finish the Heeseung fanfic and start another one!
Hello my few lovelies. It has been a hectic week for me with full classes and a timetable. I apologise for my lack of posts here and on Instagram. I really will try but this being my last year of school means all my attention and energy really need to be focused on that area. I apologise for this happening but it is life and I cannot disregard my future <33
@stay_kass You really make me smile my lovely. You are always there to make me feel better and leave a warming comment. I thank you so much for being my number 1 <33
@solamooni you (under my watch) are not aloud to apologize for having school and thinking about your future. We all have a future that we should think about carefully and u r no exception <3