
Bad news , slight problem on the new chapter , it won't save on my account maybe some kind of glitch or bad connection, I might need to update it tomorrow, please wait until I can figure this out .....
          	Please!! Look forward tomorrow! Bye love y'all!!


Izin promosi book ku ya kak^^ silahkan jangan lupa untuk dibaca juga ya kak.
          Cuman kisahnya Gentar yang tiba tiba berubah jadi Cecan Cewek cantik, kalau kalian penasaran yukkk mampir kecerita ku ini, jangan lupa untuk tinggalkan Vote dan komen ya^^

          Ok kak trimakasih (´▽`人)


Sorry for the grammar because I can't use English very well. 
          Hi, I know this is very dispolite comment on the other's profile but I want to ask you for a permission. That we have a fanpage named "Boboiboy - Back To Childhood" and we review fic to help readers can reach to the fic they look for. I'm come from another country, use diffirent language but our readers in here have a demand to being closer to the fic outside the country. And yours is one of them. So could we have a review on your fic and post it on Facebook, please? Don't worry, we sure that we'll have your credit. 
          If you have something that still being questioned, feel free to ask. I know that we have a languae barrier and my side don't really have any member that can communicate by English well but we can give it a try.
          Thank you so much! 


Bad news , slight problem on the new chapter , it won't save on my account maybe some kind of glitch or bad connection, I might need to update it tomorrow, please wait until I can figure this out .....
          Please!! Look forward tomorrow! Bye love y'all!!


Hey hey !! Happy September readers !! Well I do hope your happy despite me not updating for waaaaay too long now ! Hahaha my bad !! I've been busy trampled by school work and got my account expired for no reason . But I'm here now right? 
          Updates : Saturday and Sunday .


Anybody heard of Filipino time before??


@solarhood as a Filipino myself yes I do know UnU


@solarhood once. Never knew what it meant


@solarhood  yes it's basically the stereotype of Filipinos always being late to an agreed meeting time. And your Filipino .