
To all of my followers, I hope you're still following your creative dreams even on these disheartening times. I am happy to announce have started my book Chess of Mages after a long break. Chess of Mages is getting rewritten and will include new characters and events starting on Chapter One. I also have sequels planned, a huge change from when I first started on this writing journey. So far, my story has been doing well with reads even though I went missing for a couple years haha. I would love to hear from my old fans as well!


To all of my followers, I hope you're still following your creative dreams even on these disheartening times. I am happy to announce have started my book Chess of Mages after a long break. Chess of Mages is getting rewritten and will include new characters and events starting on Chapter One. I also have sequels planned, a huge change from when I first started on this writing journey. So far, my story has been doing well with reads even though I went missing for a couple years haha. I would love to hear from my old fans as well!


Alright guys, like I mentioned before in my latest chapter, Chess of Mages will be getting updated every Tuesday and Saturday. Hope the schedule works out for you guys so that you don't have to wonder about my updates. :-) get your calendars ready! How will this microcosmic battlefield unfold? 


Hey guys ! I have pushed the new chapter for Chess of Mages to be uploaded tomorrow because I have decided to gather pictures together so I can give you an idea on how all the characters look like. It will definitely by uploaded tomorrow and it'll be worth it, I promise! Don't forget to keep up with Chess of Mages because uploads will be coming faster than usual! Have a nice weekend by the way :)


I feel like people care too much about what others think, So much that they would rather not fight for what's right. These self conscious people always want to be on the winning side, not the losing one, cause why challenge yourself to help the losing? Some even go against their values and hop on the bandwagon with everyone else. I Ask to ask yourself this, what do you really believe in? That fake image of yourself, or for what your heart wants you to fight for? I say, follow your heart and who cares if you lose or look like a total bomb. At least you fought for the people and side you believed in, not that fake image you are tiring yourself in keeping just because you don't want to look like a failure to everyone else. At the end, your only regret is going against what the heart tells you to do. And the heart talking is a rare thing.