Ok. Not a bad beginning. And first of all
!Disclaimer! Basically all of what I'm about to say is basically my personal opinion.
So, the concept of chaos and void, while used quite a lot, doesn't leave many potholes, as there is only very little known about it, so, that's all good. However I can only heavily advise, to keep both pictures and videos to a minimum. It can work out, however more often than not, pictures and videos are overused and take away a lot of the originality of a story. Secondly, the text written quotation marks, for example "laughs evilly" or "MUHAHAHA", while they can be used as comedic relief, take away any sort of seriousness that a important scene may have.
Lastly, I think the concept of including the joke pictures at the beginning of the chapter is a good idea, since it sets the scene for seriousness of the story.
All in all, it's a good beginning, definitely as it's only your first story. If you keep updating regularly, the story should amount a number of readers in a relatively short period of time.
Just a piece of advice. Instead of trying to update the story daily or every other day, try maybe only weekly, but make the chapters longer 1000+ words and invest more time into every chapter to make them of higher quality. While it may seem counter intuitive at the beginning, since it takes longer for chapters to be released, it is a long-term investment as people would rather read a high quality story with longer better chapters, than an overly rushed story with many chapters, especially as the story will probably be staying on this platform long after you finish writing it, and people reading it then won't care for the frequency at which you published the chapters.
I wish you the best of luck, see you tomorrow, probably.