
I would like to say that you have something that is amazing on this profile. It is your book, I would like to ask that you continue it. I love this website/app a lot. And one thing I have learned from Wattpad is that: you might think less of your story than you should, but somewhere on this platform, there is a person that will really enjoy your work. I am one of several that are pleading you to finish this. There are some things here and there that need improvement, but it is still amazing. Want to know why? Because it is unique. That is want makes it special. There is nothing else on Wattpad like it because you have created it. You dictate what happens. I have to say that that is what I love about Wattpad. That is what I love about this book. So, @somebody8nobody , will you please continue. If not for me or the several other people, than for yourself, so that you know you can feel accomplished and proud of what you created for people to see? Please? 


@somebody8nobody I’m glad I could help. If you need to focus on your life outside of the screen, then by all means do so. I’m sure most of us will understand. Breaks are what keep an author inspired. If you go all out on a book, putting out chapter after chapter in a matter of days, then they become short boring and repetitive. Breaks allow the author to see new things and come up with new ideas. Take as many or as long as you need. Like I said, I’m glad I could help. I wish that everyone I would talked to could see the light at the end of the tunnel like you did, and not see the darkness of there phone screen as they ignore some babbling idiot trying to tell them what they do. The only thing I have left to tell you is: continue to be you, and put yourself in the story. If you can make yourself feel like you are walking and talking with the characters, then the audience will too. Thank you continuing. I’m glad I could help


@AronnaxVonDutch Thank you for writing this, the reason I have not finished this story is mostly because i forgot about the show and the characters, and what drew me in so much that i decided to write it. I am currently working on a book and that and school have taken up most of my time. But, because of this comment alone I will revisit that story and see if I can keep writing it, Once again, thank you for writing this, you have no idea what it means to me that someone cares this much.