
I've started to revise Portal Wars: Empire Corrupted. I've updated the first chapter, now called Prologue. I hope its better than the first draft.  Love to know what you think.  
          	I'll be updating this book regularly now as I race to get it finished by the deadline I've been set. 


I've started to revise Portal Wars: Empire Corrupted. I've updated the first chapter, now called Prologue. I hope its better than the first draft.  Love to know what you think.  
          I'll be updating this book regularly now as I race to get it finished by the deadline I've been set. 


Portal Wars: Empire Corrupted is finished. I've just uploaded the final part. Let me know what you think of the final chapter and the whole of Portal Wars: Empire Corrupted. I will start editing once November is finished. 

          In the meantime why not have a look at my NaNoWriMo diary. Writing this diary is keeping me accountable during November and I may well continue it in December when I start editing Portal Wars. Its currently ranked at #26 in Non Fiction! Truly amazing. 

          My Nanowrimo or Justwriteit book is called Cleansing River. I'm super excited with how this story is progressing and I'm hoping that you'll all like it too.  

          Have a great week 


Hello everyone, 
          I hope your week has been pleasant. Mine has been pretty good. You can read more about it in my Nanowrimo diary. 

          If you want to find out what I'm writing for Nanowrimo and the Just Write It challenge then my work Cleansing River is the place to look. I've just uploaded the first proper chapter. I'll be updating this story weekly. 

          Later on I'll be posting the final first draft chapter of Portal Wars: Empire Corrupted. I'm letting this story rest for a moment until the end of November. I'll properly start the editing process in December and will be updating chapters as I go. All comments and points to develop very gratefully received. 

          Have a great  weekend. I'll be mainly relaxing and catching up on my Cleansing River word count. 


imagespan@amberkbryant  So far Every Day in May is surpassing my expectations.  
          Husband keeps talking about this 'too much lego' thing but I don't really understand what he means.  Did you see the programme about the man who built an actual proper house of lego? amazing stuff.  
          as you say there are worse things than lego. much worse.


@somemaid  No, I will have to see if I can find that online. It does sound amazing!  It's funny because I always joke that if we keep with the influx of Lego, our house will soon be made of them.  In fact, I just helped built a Lego factory run on wind power with my 7 year old son.  Now he's making tiny play-doh pieces to put on his Lego assembly line so they can be baked.
            The only downside I see is that stepping on them barefoot is not a pleasant experience.
            Glad EDIM has been a pleasing read for you so far!


Hi Rosie,
          Thank you for the follow, as well as for your support on Every Day in May.  I truly hope it will meet your expectations.
          By the way...'too much LEGO?"  Is that even possible?  My house looks like a LEGO factory exploded most days.  There are worse things. :)


I've started the editing process on Empire Corrupted. Progress so far includes:
          1) Printing out the entire book, and nearly breaking my printer in the process.
          2) Reading through and scribbling notes on the hard copy. 
          I hope to start uploading edited chapters soon.  But I'd love your opinions on what needs changing or working on more. 
          Have a look at the first draft here.
