
bruh i keep dropping you lovely people i keep forgetting i write... I LOVE TO WRITE DON'T GET ME WRONG BUT ITS SO TIME CONSUMING IK IM ON SUMMER BREAK BUT IM BINGING ST4 AND THEYRE ALL A BIT OVER AN HOUR love u guys


this is awkward.
          im realizing i havent done anything for you lovely people in MONTHS. kinda sad.
          ive been dealing with work and school. no bueno. HOLD UP I DONT EVEN KNOW IF I SAID BUT I GOT A JOB AT CHICK FIL A. purr. 
          yeah cause school for me is from 7-3:10 and on wednesdays, fridays and saturdays i work, unless i pick up shifts throughout the week. so on the days i dont work will be my writing days.
          anyway yeah, i started a fred smut in april but forgot about it but maybe i can start on it again, slowly but surely.
          hopefully i’ll return for a bit and do tons of writing again. but if my grades fall terribly like my sophmore year, break time ig .


It’s been forever 


kinda forgot about u


for everyone who came here, wondering about my tik tok account, i've stopped writing on tik tok due to personal reasons that i don't think i can share on here lol.


Oh ok I get that what if you started posting them on here not saying you have to just a suggestion 


that sucks to here but it is understandable 


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Lexe, I'm about to throw some fucking hands with tiktok. I'm so, so sorry that they banned your account, you don't deserve that. And especially with the fact that it was set to followers only :/. People are so immature, and cannot read warnings and learn to unfollow of just scroll when they don't want to watch it. You deserve better <3


@yoshidoshiii i discontinued my writing on tik tok


I completely understand but if you do can you drop the @ ? I really enjoyed your writing


Hi what is your new account I loved your writing 


this message may be offensive
hi friends, it's been kind of a long time since new content and i apologize. i haven't had time on here but since i quit my SFW react account on tik tok, i'll have much more time for some new writing on here! but something else is stopping that, i started working at Chick-Fil-A a couple of weeks ago and so far, I only work 3-4 hours a day, but that's only because i'm still in training. my hours are surely going to go up and since school starts August 11, it's another minus, which is why i want to try and write as much as I possible can on here, I'll be sure to upload some new writing. and about my Harry Potter book, I decided I suck ass at writing books and I'll discontinue the book until I actually have a plot and some scenes to write.


hi lovelys! i know it’s been a while since i updated on here, but i have been really busy this past month. for starters, i had my school final exams which led to me needing to pick up my grades. on tuesday i just went to Disney and this weekend, i was moving into my new house (:. my computer has been packed for a couple of days so i couldnt really write, but once it’s unpacked, i’ll definitely start some writing on here. 
                                                                                           ~ lexe. 


are you gonna update sweet creature soon?IM OBSESSED ALREADY <3


@sarah_luvly im hoping to, but it wont be within these next few days, seeing as I have a busy schedule !


Are you the girl who’s TikTok was @hp..characters..nsfw    Because I couldn’t find ur account, did it get banned 

