
i was not gonna say anything but if you’re still here then you deserve to know lol. i physically can’t open my laptop and go into the wicked document, my motivation is ZERO. an update will come, that i can promise you, but i cannot promise that it will be anytime soon. i don’t want to force myself too much (sometimes it works but not this time) because i’m scared i will just give it up for good if i do that and i want to finish it. with that said, hope for an update is still alive, question is just when


i was not gonna say anything but if you’re still here then you deserve to know lol. i physically can’t open my laptop and go into the wicked document, my motivation is ZERO. an update will come, that i can promise you, but i cannot promise that it will be anytime soon. i don’t want to force myself too much (sometimes it works but not this time) because i’m scared i will just give it up for good if i do that and i want to finish it. with that said, hope for an update is still alive, question is just when


hi my loves! hope you haven’t forgotten about me. i have about 2-3 hectic weeks left (going on a little trip, seeing taylor swift (!!!) and graduating from uni) but after that i’m gonna be back working on my books again! 


@Paraskeve4 thank you!! <3 next chapter is in the works so hopefully I'll get it out before that but no promises hehe


@someonenwe can’t wait! Love Wicked!


I just made the decision to take down tides. If you didn't read my author's note; it's coming back and hopefully it will be done before the end of the year, but I just don't have it in me to write it right now. Thanks for all the love you have shown and I hope you're still around when it comes back! <3


@someonenwe will wait to see what happens! Great story !