Hello my followers now if you are some of my old followers who read my book i just want to let you know i have left the mac fandom because on instagram i was one of the people sqaishey has bullied on there just for stating my opinion some of her followers started to attack me by dms harassing me telling me i should die sqaishey dmed me too saying that she is ashamed that one of her fans has said that she is offended that i said that and that i am not worth her wasting time on me now this sparked my depression and i have not told anyone i have depression so that made it 10 times worse and that caused me to punch a hole in the wall because of what she said that is why i deleted my book not because i got bored of writing it so because of my stupid little opinion i left the fandom and made for a better life watching BETTER youtubers
@Strange-Stories im in new south wales,Australia and we recently had a super storm rip through my city it had rain that could flood London in two minutes flat and category two cyclonic winds and i almost lost my house due to flooding and wind speeds i also lost my internet for 2 weeks i dont know how i survived without it and my class got flooded and to here that another placing has flooding in it is crazy