I don’t suppose many people read the afternote on my last story I uploaded. I’m going to keep porting stories over into Wattpad for you to read. But, if you want me to contribute either of these. I need suggestions. So this is how we are going to do this, below, you will find a couple of comments by me, the options are simple.
1. Keep writing Kaylee’s baby boy
2. Keep writing If you act like a Baby…
3. Port more stories over to Wattpad
4. Write a new original
5. Keep writing Kaylee’s baby boy & continue to port more stories over to Wattpad
6. Keep writing if you act like a baby… & continue to port more stories over to Wattpad
7. Write a New original & port more stories over to Wattpad
You will see the corresponding number on a comment. If you like it hit the like/heart, and I will follow the one with the most votes. If you wish, you can reply to the comment with ideas, or stories you want me to port over. Feel free to share with others! I need all the publicity I can get!