
ohmygod I suck at this.  really, really sorry.  But I was rereading The Art of Boy yesterday (because you know, after not updating for....ummmm how long?)  I forgot all the little details I wanted to incorporate in.  And I realized something.
          	My writing is freaking awful.  Okay?  It's bad.
          	And I need to mass-edit this story, maybe even re-write it because even though I know you guys want another chapter (which I'm sorry about that too), it doesn't feel right to be updating even more crappy chapters on top of crappy chapters.  It's a pride thing, I guess.
          	Anyways, I hate all my characters right now, and when I was trying to write the next chapter yesterday, my head just exploded and I killed all of them off. 
          	So I  can't exactly post that, either.
          	Please understand!  I'll be posting other stuff, it's just I need to get this sorted out.  It's giving me anxiety right now.


poke. please update art of boy soon. poke. even if it's nonsense it's good. poke. pretty please. poke. I don't even care if they go skydiving to learn about physics or if they have to fight ninjas. poke. pretty please with sprinkles and hot fudge and whipped cream and a cherry on top!


How are you studying for midterms because my technique is literally get out binder, flip open to random page, stare in confusion, cry, and then go internet my life away while cramming vast amounts of junk food into my mouth. HOW ARE YOU WE NEVER TALK LETS FIND GRIFFIN ONE DAY KAY