Sorry guys the end of the world story is now on permanent hiatus. I don’t think I wrote it very well and I really butchered pins character. If you guys want I can tell you my story outline for it, but the only way the story will end up in the eyes of the public again is if I completely rewrite it
Possible Flowby Fic in the future because
1. I mainly make content that only caters to me and 5 other people
2. I don’t think anyone has talked about it since like 2020
Bad news guys, no new content. Good news: I’ve stumbled upon the revelation that while Micheal from BMC and Puff Puff Humbert share the traits of having glasses and red hoodies they are total opposites
I’ve noticed a significant growth in my following, to which I thank all of you for! However, school sucks and I’m losing motivation, but I’ll try to have some stuff out this weekend!