
Hello to all my followers and readers, I'm not posting on Wattpad anymore and have switched to ao3. My new fic The Way Our Horizons Meet can be accessed on my ao3 page linked in my bio. Wattpad was an inviting way to enter this fandom and will forever remember the excitement I had when I published my first work on this platform. I'll still be here and there, especially since Pressure is still in the works but otherwise this acc is no longer updating. thank you for sticking around <33 All the love M


@dreams_of_roses hope to see you over there :)) your comments were so lovely and kept me going, so thank you 


Good luck! I’m going to try figure out how to use ao3 <3


Hello to all my followers and readers, I'm not posting on Wattpad anymore and have switched to ao3. My new fic The Way Our Horizons Meet can be accessed on my ao3 page linked in my bio. Wattpad was an inviting way to enter this fandom and will forever remember the excitement I had when I published my first work on this platform. I'll still be here and there, especially since Pressure is still in the works but otherwise this acc is no longer updating. thank you for sticking around <33 All the love M


@dreams_of_roses hope to see you over there :)) your comments were so lovely and kept me going, so thank you 


Good luck! I’m going to try figure out how to use ao3 <3


You deserve so much more recognition. Just the fact that you have less followers than me even though you publish your books (which are amazing btw) and I don‘t is quite sad. 
          Much love to you -N


you are too sweet tyy  i write on here for fun so i don’t promote my books which is prob why they’re less known but i appreciate you all who have stuck w me & read my work <33 


Hey how's it going (:


Hey yaaah I thought I needed a change, the old one was kinda boring. But I hope you're doing well! (:  schools a bitch for me but its over in three weeks so I'll live. Next update this weekend.... maybe *bites lip*


@bananazine you changed your user!! ah, you know... existing hahah. wby bestie? when's the new update ?!?! :P