
Hey guys, im sorry for the long delay but Chapter 4 of The Loudest Silence is up! ive been busy with school and ugh a lot of stuff so yea hope you guys enjoy!


so, i decided to delete Nightmares because it was difficult writing it. I know, difficult? I'm having a hard time writing Nightmares cuz I keep asking myself what can be next, and huge writer's block. So i decided to delete it BUT i will put it up again when i'm done with it. so for now, i will be writing it privately, and i will most likely revise somethings here and there. so i hope you guys understand, and so for now, please enjoy Habits and Secrets :)


i'm really sorry for not updating my stories. i just decided to take a break from writing and now i really miss writing. i hope you guys forgive me. so from now on, i'll be updating my stories occasionally. maybe not everyday, but often because summer's coming up and i would love to write again.