Guys, I miss writing. I mean, I went from writing two stories and a couple of one shots that were all related that were ~100k all together over the course of about 8 months to posting nothing but a couple poems in a year. Seriously, ICHTETIT is officially over a year old (from when I finished it to now), and IISW is over a year and a half old (from when I finished it to now). It's weird not writing about Niall and Liam on a regular basis anymore... But I can't even go back to writing about them because they've both changed so significantly since the last time I really took the time to watch videos about the boys. So basically, I need something new to write about, and I just want to know if anyone has any requests because I work best with random prompts (literally my idea for IISW came from a prompt someone gave me that was just to write about someone's experience at a new school or something like that, and I took that and ran with it; they didn't even specify characters or anything).