
How much suffering can a person swallow before it consumes them? Madara, hated Catholic deacon after a scandal within the Catholic Church and Tobirama, the police chief vowed to protect him who suffers from a grave porn addiction, both are at the very edge of what they can handle in their lives. Upon meeting, a curiosity ignites between them. They start to explore one another harshly, sexually, until finally, one of them can't take it anymore...
          	Connecting Hollows, because I was craving writing both a priest and a police officer. 
          	To be published...


@sommergymnastica Yessss can't wait for the new booook


@sommergymnastica Ugh, I've been out for a couple of months, and then I came back to this!!! I am definitely God's favorite.


My Kami... Your books are slowly but surely going to be devoured by the end of the month. I don't even care if I'm not part of a fandom. I'm addicted and I've only gotten through three books. OUT OF 44


@RoniFoxBarakat yeAHHAH her books are gonna do that to ya lol Xd  i never knew i needed tobiizu and just Izuna in my life till i read her books. Actaully i wasnt super fond of Hashimada till i read one of her books and now im HOOKED on the couple ❤️ 


@Hashirama_Senju01 I was originally looking for Izuna x Reader and found this author and now I'm so far into TobiIzu that I forgot that I wanted Izuna for myself 


@RoniFoxBarakat Welcome to the fandom lol. God her books are amazing and you’ll be reading them for hours and no other books on this platform could compete Xd


How much suffering can a person swallow before it consumes them? Madara, hated Catholic deacon after a scandal within the Catholic Church and Tobirama, the police chief vowed to protect him who suffers from a grave porn addiction, both are at the very edge of what they can handle in their lives. Upon meeting, a curiosity ignites between them. They start to explore one another harshly, sexually, until finally, one of them can't take it anymore...
          Connecting Hollows, because I was craving writing both a priest and a police officer. 
          To be published...


@sommergymnastica Yessss can't wait for the new booook


@sommergymnastica Ugh, I've been out for a couple of months, and then I came back to this!!! I am definitely God's favorite.


Hi <3 I have written a new book. I am currently proof-reading it, which might take a few more days, because I want to publish it all in one go, which is something I have never done before. I will give you a little teaser about it as soon as I've written it.
          Currently re-reading Kingdom of Autumn Fire as my partner is reading it, and I decided to read along. It's one of the best books I've written, and if you haven't read it I hope you will, and that you'll love it <3
          Another plot line has started boiling in my brain. And I also have one or two half-written books. I wish I decided when inspiration hit and left, but I don't, haha. Naruto is not at all a popular universe anymore, and I am fine with that. I have always only written for myself, selfishly enough, so books that could read 10K readers now reaching a few hundreds isn't all that important. Writing is still so close to my heart.
          And I am doing good. I wanted to let you know that. I am happy, even if the mood I have created in here has been gloomy. Thank you for your support <3


@sommergymnastica I'm so excited, I've read almost all of your books, you're the comfort writer I usually read when I'm down...(tho half your books do make me cry)...also even though I'm into many fandoms, Naruto is what got me into all of this, and I'll read these stories no matter how many things have passed...


@sommergymnastica I'm so excited for the new book! Naruto is still one of the best Anime's for me. Kingdom of Autumn Fire, is such a good book! <3 Whatever happens, I'll always keep reading ur books   Just take ur time for everything  


@sommergymnastica OHHh im super excited about the new book coming up ✨ also its so goOd to hear you doing better! ❤️ i cant WAIT to read ur next creation and hope you have a good day ❤️ ❤️ 


this message may be offensive
Cage of bones finished... This absolute havoc of a book. An echo of Temperature in so many ways, but still not... Not at all. 
          I have so many stories, so many stories within me, and it feels that if I just put my fingertips to my keyboard, they will write themselves but I can't. For the first time I can't because there is just too much within me, too much to say, that it would only become a word salad. 
          I've gotten comprehensively hurt. I was called a narcissist because I was afraid my colleagues hated me and I've spent weeks trying to puzzle myself together. Going from watching videos of me thinking "there dances a narcissist" to looking at myself in the mirror and carefully starting to believe that I'm a good person. 
          So many seem to believe my feelings are open for hurting and I ask myself why? Why is it that I am perceived to be a person that you can ignore once you've eased your heart about yourself? Why do people not notice these things? And what the fuck gives me the right to ask them to notice these things.
          So I pull away, silently, sitting in the echo chamber that is my own mind in isolation, chewing the same words of affirmation over and over just to convince myself that I am not worthless. That I am someone worth spending time with, worth considering inviting.
          Nobody, absolutely nobody wrote to me and asked me what happened when I left my dance studio while I know, deep in my heart, that if anyone else left as visibly as I did (my exotic heels took up half the shelf), I would have been the first one to contact them, not because I was curious but because I care. 
          Because I do care.
          This is the only place, the only spot where my mind is free because nobody knows me here. Nobody. And there is something good in that.


@sommergymnastica oh im glad i could help in some way, i feel very honored to help my favorite author❤️ Sending you tons of love from the US ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ and sparkles for extra happiness   (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚ ✨ ✨ 


@Hashirama_Senju01 This blew my mind... I, a person of many words, have been rendered speechless and that's a first ❤️ I needed to be reminded of all of the things you said. 
            I look up to you, too, and you're just the kindest soul ❤️ Sending you gallons of love from Northern Europe!


OHH K im sorry to hear that….but i want to let you know that I think your an amazing person just by hearing your announcements and reading your books. I want to let you know I LOOK UP TO YOU! That i hope to be an amazing author like you. I know how it feels to look down at ur self and to hate what you see in the mirror but i want to remind you that you are absolutely perfect the way you are and that you where created the way you where for a reason.  
            I’m sorry to hear what your going through but I also want to remind you that this to shall pass and that healthy people dont say stuff like that to others. Ive had people call my family passive aggressive even tho they aren’t and they where the ones who where passive aggressive and etc. 
            I care about you and think your an amazing person, and author and don’t want you to look down on yourself or your work. 
            I hope you start to feel better soon and im glad you trust us as followers to be able to open up. I love you and hope you have an amazing day ❤️ ✨ 


I’m not dead just in the process of the huge life change of changing dance studios!
          Posted in my cosplay book for the first time in eons! Guess who! ;)
          Plan on getting back to Cage or bones tomorrow ❤️


@sommergymnastica OMGGG THATS SO COOL, I totally get it's hard rn to post, please take ur time ❤️❤️


He lovelies ❤️ I thought I’d let you know I’m back updating here after having been off for a while.
          I’m not dead and I’m sorry if anyone believed that! I’ve had a very, very hard time that I can’t even begin to explain, even if this is the only online space I would feel safe to do so. But some of you might know that I dance at elite level and I’ve had to switch studios.
          Now I feel so, so much better and I hope that soon, everything will be as it should be ❤️
          Thank you for staying with me 
          Xx K 


@sommergymnastica ┻⁠┻⁠︵⁠ヽ⁠(⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠︵⁠┻⁠┻


@sommergymnastica nah DANCE fr? i really thought you died when I didn't get the notification of "@ sommergymnastica posted an announcement" btw, I'm alive. 


@sommergymnastica Ohh I'm sorry that you're having a hard time ❤️ I hope it gets better ❤️


Hello lovelies ❤️
          CHAPTER ONE OF NEW BOOK Cage of bones is published! I have finished writing it a few months ago and I have NOOOO idea how it ends so proof-reading each chapter before posting is a treat haha ❤️ will publish chapter two today!   
          ALSO I have changed a paragraph in chapter 23 of Escape artistry as there was so much confusion as to why T left ❤️
          In short (SPOILER WARNING):
          T left because he blamed himself for being drunk when I was blinded. He thought he could have prevented it if he’d been sober. He saw himself as a drunk like his father and thought I deserved better
          THANK U for your feedback! ❤️


            Also, sorry that I didn't get it- My brain sometimes doesn't work right 