
It’s almost been two years since I joined Wattpad and w o a h have I, and this website, changed. I started out reading badly written and cliche romance novels that were original works, and then about a year later I decided to move onto actual fanfiction. I found other fanfiction websites, thanks to my need for Falsettos fanfiction back then, which Wattpad lacked. I always have ranted on this site, usually about my family (oops), and people have always actually put up with me. This is long and stupid but basically I’m thankful for Wattpad and the people on it, even if I read on it a lot less than I used to.


It’s almost been two years since I joined Wattpad and w o a h have I, and this website, changed. I started out reading badly written and cliche romance novels that were original works, and then about a year later I decided to move onto actual fanfiction. I found other fanfiction websites, thanks to my need for Falsettos fanfiction back then, which Wattpad lacked. I always have ranted on this site, usually about my family (oops), and people have always actually put up with me. This is long and stupid but basically I’m thankful for Wattpad and the people on it, even if I read on it a lot less than I used to.


          Once you receive this award, you're supposed to paste it on the wall of eight people who you think are beautiful. If you break this chain, nothing happens, but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.
          LOVE YA!
          I just wanna thank you for following my crusty ass!❤️