
          	We hit 100 reads on Hole’d Up!!!
          	This is amazing, thank you all so much. We would not be here without everyone who read our story. 
          	Speaking of stories, there’s a few new things coming to sonderscripts very soon... *hint hint* romance novel and sci-fi/realistic story *hint hint*
          	Thank you guys for always being patient with us and keeping up with Harley, Lennie, and Zack. You guys are probably sick of them, but don’t worry, we have some great characters coming soon. Y’all haven’t even met my favorite character yet.....
          	Once again, thank you, and peace ✌️


          We hit 100 reads on Hole’d Up!!!
          This is amazing, thank you all so much. We would not be here without everyone who read our story. 
          Speaking of stories, there’s a few new things coming to sonderscripts very soon... *hint hint* romance novel and sci-fi/realistic story *hint hint*
          Thank you guys for always being patient with us and keeping up with Harley, Lennie, and Zack. You guys are probably sick of them, but don’t worry, we have some great characters coming soon. Y’all haven’t even met my favorite character yet.....
          Once again, thank you, and peace ✌️


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is taking so long to come out, it’s just a bit different from our previous ones. Very interesting stuff, I suggest you read it when we publish. Speaking of updates, they will be coming slower from now on because me and my co-writer are starting school again, and you know how that goes. If we start getting lazy, let us know. Thank you so much for reading our first 2 chapters, and we can only hope you guys stay with us and with Harley until the end. Peace ✌️


FIRST CHAPTER OF HOLE'D UP IS LIVE! We cannot believe that this is actually happening. No followers to see this yet but hopefully, soon enough we will have some loyal fans to keep us motivated. Until then, we just gotta support eachother. Next chapter should be out fairly soon but you never know what life has to offer in the meantime. Peace!