Ok so I'm back to Wattpad everyone! There's a more detailed explanation in the latest chapter of Daughter of Poseidon, but basically I took an accidentally way too long hiatus due to procrastination and writer's block. However! I have worked past the writer's block and I've worked past my procrastination issue and I foresee finishing Daughter of Poseidon within the next two months. I was wondering, what else would you guys like to see?
Some options:
-A sequel to Daughter of Poseidon
-A book of poetry
-An epilogue to HoO
-A short story collection
-One shot collections for any fandom suggested
-Any other suggestions?
Once I see what you guys all want to see, I'll decide what my next project will be!
Also, I was considering running a writing competition, so message me if you're interested. If I have at least 6 people, I'll do it!