
Can I just say I'm soooo diappointed in Harry covering his 'I cant change' tattoo .. You did change Harold, you did !! Call me a carrot all you want but I honestly cried when I saw it .. He promises he won't yet he did change .. I'm sorry 


"I’m thinking of how Harry and Louis could have been if they weren’t famous. If they never had to hide. If they never had to be separated. What if after the Coldplay concert, teenage curly haired Harry blushed when an older boy asked for his number. And they talked nonstop and got to know eachother better than they knew themselves and harry would tell louis dumb jokes and louis would laugh because harry was an idiot and louis hated nicknames but he blushed deep crimson whenever harry called him boo bear and they held hands and cuddled and watched films but never really admitted to liking each other and one day Harry just couldn’t take it anymore and he pushed up on his tippy toes and kissed Louis and Louis kissed him back and when they released Harry asked louis if he had feelings for him and louis whispered “i do” into Harry’s curly hair, kissing the top of his head and Harry’s dimples were like craters in his face he was smiling so hard and his green eyes were shining and louis honestly didnt know how anyone could be so beautiful and he couldn’t help it he just had to ask him out, so he went to a candy store and bought a cherry ring pop (Harry’s favorite) and properly got down on one knee and asked harry to be his boyfriend and harry beamed and jumped into his arms and got on his tippy toes to kiss louis and louis thought he could take that as a yes and he was smiling harder than he ever had in his life. And weeks pass by and they have sex for the first time and it was perfect and passionate and full of so much love. Nothing like Louis had ever experienced before. And weeks turned to months and months turned to years and louis realized he never felt this way about anyone before. He realized he loved harry more than anyone he ever had before. He loved his dumb jokes and his curly mop of hair and his laugh and his dimples and how he was tiny and had creamy skin and his cherry cherry lips and gre..."