
Sorry for not updating over and over. My computer has been acting stupid. I'll try to as soon as I can. 




The Prisoner of Azkaban right?


I MISSED THIS MY FRIEND I APOLOGIZE! But yes I adore this username. Very very much. 


Erick's friend Kenna dares him to go into an old cathedral. When he gets there he is immediately scared. He begs Kenna not to make him do it, but it's a mega dare. When Erick walks in, dust covers everything.
          Genevieve is an angel that lives temporarily in the old cathedral. Her sisters and her are supposed to leave, but Genevieve is attracted to Erick. Genevieve's sisters worry about her and Erick. Will they fall in love? If they do, will Genevieve turn human, and keep her wings as punishment?
          A new idea that popped into my mind, called The Old Cathedral.
          <3 Shilo


Waverly has been haunted for the last seven years. Her demon's name is Denver and he never goes away no matter what she tries to do. Every night when Waverly is still awake, Denver comes, and gets what he wants. Will she ever get rid of him? 
          Description of another work that won't be here for a while cuz I'm still thinking about it.
          <3 Shilo


Alright guys, I'm slacking, I know. I left my notebooks at my dad's, and I don't have them. In payment for that I will try to upload a prologue for a new story called Alone. It's a historical fiction. I think it's coming along well. It might be up tomorrow. Maybe. I have to get some teeth pulled, so we'll have to see. Anyway, I'm going on vacation, and I don't know if my dad will let me take my laptop with me. If he does, I will be sure to update when I have time, cause we go to the beach til like 4, get showers, and then go to the boardwalk til like 11:30 or 12, and we come back and play cards. Just remember, I love y'all, and haven't forgotten about you!
          <3 Shilo


All right guys. You will have to wait a day for ILYTB. I thought I had chapter 2 ready, but I didn't. *epic fail* Anyway, I still love you all. If y'all want, I can upload another chapter of LRD, it doesn't matter.
          <3 Shilo