
this message may be offensive
Holy shit, we actually got to 10k reads. I'll probably write some celebratory thing to commemorate the occasion, also will be doing those thousand calf raises...


I've completely lost interest in the book you asked me to review, and I don't think story reviews are for me.. Ive been trying for a few months to get back into it but I'm just unable to.. I'm sorry, but if you'd like, I could post what I currently have. Please don't like, yell at me for this. I really am sorry, I took on something and I thought I could do it. *Virtual hugs*


You can decide what to do with what you’ve done, big thanks for trying!


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Gonna do the court shit on lost in the music over the next few days, hope you enjoy that shitshow. In other news, 7 days will maybe finish soon enough. Lost in the Music is long overdue though, so I'm keen on doing that instead. Thank you all for your continued support.