
Writing Alan Rickman's Autobiography, a fan fiction romance is now available!


Will the other books you said you're working on be coming out any time soon?


@JLeeCrawford I'm happy you're enjoying my books! :-) I'll be adding a couple more poems to the poetry book later this month or next. The grief commentary will be a short book. Writing Alan Rickman's Autobiography will be around 15-20 chapters; I'll post one chapter a week. I'll make an announcement when the new content is available. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter, you can do that on my website:  I send 2 emails a month with updates. Each email includes an inspirational message from Alan. In my upcoming newsletters, I'll be sharing passages from the forthcoming books, so you'll be able to get a sneak peek. :-)


You two have been taking up an inordinate amount of time in my head, it's bordering on crazy. And and I can't wait to start on your upcoming books!!!


@JLeeCrawford Thanks for writing! I'm aiming to release the grief commentary in July or August, followed by Writing Alan Rickman's Autobiography in September. The other fan fiction stories - Snape, Colonel Brandon, and Mesmer - are currently in development. Which one(s) are you most interested in reading? Let me know, and I'll work on completing that next!


Hii...!! Are you ok? I haven't seen your writings for a while, after you finished the second book of Alan and I get worried. I hope you're safe , xoxo


@AstroWitchWriter I’m happy that you found my work and that it’s helped you with your spiritual path. My goal is to help people, so it’s great to get your feedback. :-) I’m pleased you're inspired to learn Reiki! Reiki can be a catalyst that awakens other spiritual gifts, so I wish you well on your journey! Many have written to me to say they’ve seen Alan, and my work reassured them they’re not crazy! :-) Alan is an active spirit guide, so I’m happy he revealed himself to you. My next video will be available in a few days; it’s about Alan's current life in spirit and whether he still identifies as the physical man he was as Alan Rickman. In the subsequent video I'll release on Alan's birthday Feb. 21, I announce the publication of the cancer book, so this is a busy month! Thanks for your support! Let me know if I can answer any questions you have.


The funny thing with Alan is that I saw him during the middle of the last year and I confirmed that he was a spiritual guide, when the higher self of a friend that I had, shown me your book by September. 


I can only imagine how busy you were ! I'm waiting for it! Thank you much for all of your hard work because you helped me with my own path, without knowing it. Thanks to your information my life changed a lot... and you helped me to confirm that seeing Alan around wasn't a crazy thing and that I am sane! Hahaha, thank you. You inspire me to become a reiki master, so does him. I'm starting with reiki usui, reiki Karuna, Angelic reiki and other by channeling my faery guides! I'm subscribed to your channel and I'm waiting for your books. Take care, I'm around if you need help with something, sometime. Xoxo


I invite you to read A Book of Poetry by Alan Rickman on the Other Side. Alan has been writing poems with me for a while now, but this is the first time we've shared them publicly. New poems will continue to be added.


The Romance Lounge is now available! Happy Birthday to Alan Rickman! He will be with us always...


@BeWa84 Thanks for reading the story and sharing your comments! I appreciate your support! :-)


@sonyawhitejaguar It’s a lovely read! :-)


The Romance Lounge, a short love story, will be published on Feb. 21! It's inspired by the 1991 play "Tango at the End of Winter" starring Alan Rickman. Read the introduction:


            Are you gonna be coming out with any of the other books you mentioned that you are working on here, soon?