hey guys! I hope all of you are safe right now, wherever you may be.
TL;DR at the bottom.
I just wanted to say that BLACK LIVES F***ING MATTER, and right now, it's in no way, shape, or form "all lives matter". Like yes, Karen, all lives DO matter, but think of it this way. There are 30 people at the dinner table, and 29 people get up and fill their plates. There isn't any food left for the 30th person, who we will say is named John. John says, "I'm hungry you guys," and Karen says, "We're all hungry, John." John is mad, asks for food again, and is once again told, "We're all hungry," as Karen and everyone else dig into their plates full of food.
That's what's happening right now. Right now, all 50 states have come together and protested everything that's happening. But the real question is, how long until we forget, and dismiss it as yet another case of unresolved police brutality? Our country needs to open its eyes and see that the system is not broken, but was designed by systematic oppressors and is working exactly the way it was designed. If the fact that people want equal rights for all breaks the system, then the system deserves to be broken and fixed to be a truly free nation.
TL;DR: I fully support the Black Lives Matter movement happening right now, and our country is doing good right now, but we need to make it better forever.