People may judge and people might hate. This isn't my problem. If you like my stories, thank you. If you don't then don't comment or hate on my stories just leave it and don't read them. No one has time for hate and no one needs your mean or rude comments. 

  • EntrouJuly 4, 2012

Última mensagem
sophieacj sophieacj Jul 08, 2014 11:52PM
@RedNos it's no problem at all ❤️
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Histórias de Sophie
Ramblings and Thoughts, de sophieacj
Ramblings and Thoughts
Just my everyday ramblings and thoughts about anything and everything
+mais 1
Life lessons, de sophieacj
Life lessons
Little lessons or things to keep you going.
+mais 2
4 listas de leitura