
OMG THIS IS THE FUNNIEST VIDEO IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL YOU NEED TO WATCH IT!!!!!!! <3 "It was warm in the cabin, and everyone was sleeping..." 


Aww :( Poor you. But dont exagerate. I had chains on 4 grownup teeth, and i got 4 teeth pulled out~ Its sore and hurts alittle bit, but acully just sore and tiny pain 4 the chains. Just blood and mabe sore for teeth pulling..


@YummyHeart Ikr! That was so unfair! We started a breakdancing circle but it got broken up cause it could have been a "gang" :(
          And Emma was our "interesting" dancer..
          OMG u should have seen us during "Baby","Starships" and "What Makes You Beautiful".......