Hey guys so.. its been a year since I've posted a message on here.
A lot has changed in that year. I've focused on my exams coming in 5 WEEKS (WHAT?!) I got my first job (and quit a month in). I'm just under 3 months close to my 16th birthday, so that means I start college in September.
I've gotten into reading physical books, most of them you can find on tiktok and instagram. First book I read this year was They Both Die At The End and I'm currently onto reading my 15th book of the year. And so, it brings me great pleasure to say that hopefully I will be becoming a self published author. On here, I have an ongoing book called That I Lie. my mum has agreed (and the rest of my parents) for me to publish it on kindle when I have finished. So if you would like to read it, it's all there for you right now! 3rd chapter is in the works, and my my, is it a whirlwind!!!
thank you so much guys, its been lovely saying something to you all again. my God, its been a long long time.