
I'm sad bc the book I'm reading is coming to an end so I want to put off reading it to like savour time ig beacuse the 3rd book isn't finished yet and If I finish the book I'm reading now , I'll also finish the 3rd book then I'll be even more depressed because then I'll have no more books to read. 
          	So as you can see this is cry for help, maybe so,even book recs? Or you can harass the author with me to fish the book because my mental health is depending on it


@sorchasaorise lol what's the book name?



I'm sad bc the book I'm reading is coming to an end so I want to put off reading it to like savour time ig beacuse the 3rd book isn't finished yet and If I finish the book I'm reading now , I'll also finish the 3rd book then I'll be even more depressed because then I'll have no more books to read. 
          So as you can see this is cry for help, maybe so,even book recs? Or you can harass the author with me to fish the book because my mental health is depending on it


@sorchasaorise lol what's the book name?


hey I'm bored