
@alva95 haha for a second I kinda just freaked :) lol HI BESTIE XX


hello pretty stranger ! fan me back pleaseeee ? Oh & before I forget im writing a book , called These Unspoken Words and basically , I need your help to start it ! (:
          all I need you to do, is write 2 sentences describing your past or future life . good or bad . its your unspoken words . ( hint the title )
          so I bet your confused right now , .. let me help you out . 
          EXAMPLEs - 
          - Born into a family who didnt care. I ran away. 
          - Met 5 talented boys . Changed my life forever . 
          ( ^ for directioners, lol )
          Kay , byeeeee
          (last one for those directioners out there !)