@mumochae Chat gpt, might be a bit basic, but it gets the job done! Can you say the same? I mean have you ever accomplished any meaningful task in your life. The artificial intelligence helps create comedic, iconic stories in which many individuals, of various backgrounds are able to indulge in and laugh at. Have you ever done something meaningful like that? I know for a fact instead of indulging in these magnificent tales you only indulge in your food banks worth of a meal. If you were the 4 szns orlando baby it would've went like this. Your aunt: "I have a question, who wants to go to the four seasons orlando?" Not so little, baby in age, behemoth in size ravi: "Mi mother! Not for the mascots, the comfort of the rooms, or the one of a kind scene. But for the delicious food- oink! oink! this 'baby' certainly wont be eating off the kids menu." She says, taking a bite out of her 17th big mac of the day.. she may have lost count.