Why am I getting followers... whatever. If you follow me, I'll follow back (no exceptions). Anyways, here are some things about me:

I'm like half inactive (but not half like Marco)
Well here I am, writing this for a third time (yes) and I'm half asleep meaning I'll have spelling mistakes because of autocorrect. And as far as I can recall, autocorrect hasn't been correcting any of my words (not only me).

Anime I've watch(ed):
attack on titan (chapter 80) // attack on titan junior high (completed)
free! iwatobi swim club (season 1)
death note (basically nowhere)
tokyo ghoul (season 1)
one punch man (about 5 episodes?)
naruto (maybe 5 episodes)
That's all I remember (how do you forget what you watch?)
  • Se ha unidoJuly 12, 2017

Historia de eating ramen noodles
art de sorry-inactive-haha
so basically im just putting up art cos i feel like it 👍 request on the first page if u want and yeah bye
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