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I think it’s time I say goodbye to this place for good. I don’t know...

@jcfourteen that’s very true, but I need to completely move on and this place has too much history. You make sense and I’m grateful for your words. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Perhaps I need time away, but I can’t say if I’ll come back to writing here.

I think it’s time I say goodbye to this place for good. I don’t know...

@jcfourteen that’s very true, but I need to completely move on and this place has too much history. You make sense and I’m grateful for your words. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Perhaps I need time away, but I can’t say if I’ll come back to writing here.

Author, kailan po will you update The World is Ours?

I’m working on it. I’m really sorry for making you all wait so long, I’ve been going through some personal issues.

hai po d mo na po ba e.eupdate ung world is ours?

I don't think I can update this month, too much is going on. So I'm gonna wait till next month and even then I'll probably update COD or Lunch Note. You win again writers block!!

Struggling to write an update but I'll get there. how do you get over writers block?

...take your time Author, will wait :) Thank you for sharing your stories :)

To my readers. There's a reason I haven't updated in awhile. Not just because I'm busy. I'm not perfect my writing isn't perfect, however I do my best. Writing and reading was never easy for me growing up and even now, but I love to read and write, despite the headaches. So I keep learning, keep striving for something greater than myself and my own understanding. My spelling and grammar in my writing is terrible and I'm not using my dyslexia as an excuse. However it does contribute and I must acknowledge it. So I would like to ask you all for your understanding and help. I write to try and bring my readers on a journey through my imagination, and I hope you see the courage it takes for me to make my writing public despite all my errors. I welcome constructive criticism I truly do, but please be tactful and supportive. I'm not perfect, none of us are. But together with each other's help we can strive for something far greater than perfection. Understanding. Your author, Soshicupcake.

@TLGuanzon Medium or small but then again could be large. It depends where it's from. Lol I'm tall but slim too, so small doesn't fit me in the Philippines LOL.

@TLGuanzon thank you so much for your words. It's nice to know someone out there understands what I'm going through. It's never an excuse but more of a drive to prove myself and others that I can do anything. We all have struggles, but it's about acknowledging them and making yourself better regardless of the struggles we might face. But I need to focus on my studies. As much as I wanna do everything. My medical career comes first before fanfics. I've heard the same words too. Thanks for the reminder. It's because of my dyslexia that makes me see the world differently. Without my dyslexia my writing would suffer creatively. So that in itself is a blessing. Hahaha I've got to find a shirt like that. Haha

@soshicupcake yes please. Update all ur stories. I like ur works. Thanks!

@soshicupcake yes pretty please