It's the fic's 3rd-year anniversary!! Going back to its roots by updating in short bursts (remember when this fic was updated on a daily basis, can't be me now ) at least for maybe a week? Or maybe I should just shut up and never specify a time. Embarrassing how I mentioned this next part will be up earlier, like during the actual season the episode is based on. Instead, it took me 4 more months. There's rl to blame, but truthfully, much of what I write don't make the final cut. So this is how the fic made it to 3 years: inspired bursts in the first year, wading in deeper in the second year, and wrestling with self-doubts toward the third. But fwiw, it's here and I'm determined to see serihawky's story through. And I can't express how much I'm heartened to still see some interest from the notifs and the messages. If I don't reply, it's because I'm ashamed of not having the next part up yet. Endlessly grateful to you for sticking by or just even dropping by to read this. It's still summer somewhere! Hope you'll enjoy the ride (and some lovin').

@AnitaLai1 That is such dedication Thank you for staying and thinking so fondly of this story!!