
Hey guys! Just started another series (sorry for not ending the other ones), but I wanted this series to have you guys more involved. By giving me topics, asking questions etc. I just updated the first story hope you guys enjoy!


I am starting a new series it is just collage of poems, I would like you to be apart of it, by either sending me some ideas or themes for poems, could be literally for anything, Or you guys could make some poems and I post them in the book
          Either way I hope you guys will like it!!


Wait, you've seen Inu x Boku SS a well?!?! AND Soul eater?!


I also watched episodes 225-235, the story of Kushina and Minato. cried so hard


Same XD though, since I already know everything that happens (though I'm still only on the Chunin Exames) up to 'Boruto Movie', I'm still watching it. That's how I fell in love with half of the Akatsuki members without watching the whole show


@book_binder oh yeah that happend with naruto for me


ugh yeah that dickbag that took Christina from us
          i'm pissed 
          like i cried 
          i never cry


@peachsenpai yeah that's what my Dad did to :(


Same. I told my mom that she is so pretty and my mom goes "was"


@peachsenpai yeah Senpai sorry I had to change my user name for her she was one of my fav singers.
            uhhhhh I hate using was she still is even if shes gone.......


hey guys,
          I'm sorry to those who lost loved ones in the Orlando shooting there has been a lot of tragedy this past few days. The people of Orlando are strong and are helping those who are in the hospital by giving blood.Keep hopes strong you all are hero's


          It's me ummm all i would like to say is that i won't be writing any time soon and of you have heard of Christina Grimmie I would like you to make lots of noise in the silence of her death please guys she was important to me. Her singing was very inspirational to me
          thanks guys


@Lycantis you and me both (crying) she was series but, had this amazing light in her soul that made me want to listen to her, I was just couldn't wait to see her if she went touring up here but,that won't happen now,I literally just can't stand it. I made a pinterest of her and me and my friends are posting her every where


@souleaterfan8  I'm crying right now. She was such a sweet soul, and it's not fair that she had to be taken from us so soon by some deranged psycho. My sister and I are posting her all over FB. So sad. R.I.P. Christina Grimmie