
lowkey re read what ive already published and realized i missed a scene that i wanted to add so i may do some rewriting 


i am so so sorry that it's taking so long for another chapter of strawberry blond to be released ! i am currently doing summer courses as well as a bit of traveling so i haven't had much time to write, but i hope that i will be able to get a new chapter out soon as i really really love writing for challengers !


I PROMISE IM GONNA UPDATE SOON !! i have had a pretty hectic couple of days so i haven’t had a chance to do much writing but there should hopefully be a new chapter of ‘strawberry blond’ by the end of the week !


gosh, i haven't said anything on here for so long . umm hi! a bit of a brand change but hopefully i'll be able to get back to using this as a writing outlet! i have some things in my drafts as well as 'strawberry blond' which i am in the process of writing and publishing at the same time so do bare with me.


so... as y'all can see, i'm back LMAO. honestly, i feel like my interest have changed so much, so that's part of why i decided to stop writing butterflies. the prettymuch to nct pipe line is so real because just like i used to be a huge prettymuch stan, i now ult nct. i also posted a glee fic because i've been in love with glee for a while, so i hope that's a good read for you all! i'm trying to be active on here because i am semi-active on tumblr and i missed the wattpad writing environment so look forward to hearing from me more often!