
It is the fuckin fourth time I get a cold since winter started omfg i'm going nuts ♡_♡


Bless! Take care ;( 


So ima make some announcements
          1.About the books i'm writing with my bestriend: we're prob not going to continue them for now. Consider we have school that is taking up the most of our time. 
          2. Ashley has been last updated since march i guess but i've written some of the next few chapters and i'm going to slowly update. Sorry for all the readers that have been waiting for the next chapters but i'm going to give them i promise. 
          3. Have i already told you all that i'm writing a new book, and I can't wait to publish it!!
          4. Wattpad lately has been really really dry and dead so i've moved on to inkitt. This app remains my favorite since it's a little more cute and organized than inkitt but I like it too. You can find me there with the same username (soulmate_of_satan).
          That's all for now! 
          Luv you all ♡♥︎♡